Spara tid och få tillgång till den senaste produktinformationen

När du samarbetar med Nedis stannar vi inte vid leveransen av våra elektronikrelaterade lösningar och produkter. Vi förenklar försäljningen genom att elektroniskt tillhandahålla nödvändig information för dig och din kund. 

Vad är Nedis Connect?

Nedis Connect är ett omfattande paket med elektroniska lösningar som gör det möjligt för dig att automatisera dina beställningar till Nedis och förse din webbshop med våra högkvalitativa produktdata. 

Vill du veta mer om de många möjligheterna med Nedis Connect?

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Ett dagligt flöde av de senaste produktdata, professionella produktbilder, priser och lagerinformation.

Nedis Connect

Article data
Every day we publish the newest product information, clear product descriptions, professional product images, prices and stock details. This information can be imported into your webshop, ERP system, POS system etcetera for sales and comparison functions while improving your processes and decreasing error margins.

Extra files
In addition to the article data Nedis provides a list of extra files that includes information about accessories, alternatives, variants and Frequently Asked Questions to complete the article information on your webshop to ensure your customers will find the product they are looking for.

Invoice PDF
Conveniently receive our PDF invoices in your mailbox. You can even decide on what email address you want to receive the invoices, so they can automatically be imported into your system.

Real-time stock check
A systematically real-time stock check will reduce backorders and gives you the possibility to offer an alternative product to your customer. Before sending out your orders to Nedis, we recommend to perform a real-time stock check to confirm that the requested article is available.

Electronic order
By using our email order format you can forward your orders automatically to Nedis so you don’t have to enter your orders manually in the Nedis webshop. Nedis will receive your orders and process them. This saves you time and reduces errors.

Dispatch information
When your orders are being shipped, Nedis communicates an overview of all shipments for your orders into a single file that can be easily imported into your systems.

Dispatch information includes:

  • Parcel information
  • Quantities shipped
  • Track & Trace information to track the parcels with the transporter